Thursday, September 19, 2013

Don't Make Excuses because YOU CAN!

3.25 miles in 1 hr and 4 min. I'm getting there. I hope to conquer 5 miles in an hour soon. I am 1lb 4oz away from my 70lb mark (100 pounds since 2010, 70 lbs since Feb this year when I began my journey with DD). So many people have been asking me what I have been doing to lose weight. I have been asked about Gastric Bypass surgery. Though it was suggested by my cardiologist 3 years ago, I declined. I just was not comfortable with that choice. I know it has helped some people, but I just felt it wasn't right for me. Then I was asked about the Idea Weight Loss program. No, though I looked into it, but decided it still wasn't for me.  If you are reading this post, obviously you know the answer for me is The Digest Diet. As the book suggests, the problem is not just about losing weight, but changing our thinking and lifestyles and our view of food. 
I heard the old saying many times through my dieting history, "I eat to live, I don't live to eat" but it never really had meaning to me because food my was friend, my comfort in times of trouble, a way to celebrate, a horrible addiction. I WAS living to eat and in doing so I wasn't truly living. It is a terrible cycle, one that you cannot understand unless you have walked on this path. You feel trapped by your body and helpless to change. Through God and the Digest Diet book, I feel confident, less tied to my addiction (one remains - dark chocolate w/almonds in moderation of course) of food. I turn to God in times of trouble and leave the food alone, I walk when I feel stressed and read when I am bored (which is hardly ever...if you knew how crazy my life was you would be able to understand it when I say, "I don't have time to be bored"). If I can do it, and I can tell you I haven't seen this weight in almost 2 decades, you can! Don't give up or give in to insecurities, or the old excuse, "I'll start on Monday or the New Year or Next month". Don't say, "I'm just too old to change".  Contrary to what you believe, you can teach an old dog (not that I am calling any of you old) new tricks.  Don't give up because YOU CAN! 
P.S.  I posted this on my Facebook page earlier this week. Today I hit my 70 pound mark!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Persevere; You Can Endure It!

The past few days have been full of trials and lots of errors on my part.  I got comfortable and I lost track of what I was eating.  I made excuses for not walking in the morning:  “I didn’t sleep well. I’m exhausted. I’ll walk later. Well now it’s too hot to walk”, etc. etc.  Most importantly, over walking, I made excuses for not spending quality time with the one who has blessed me over and over again.  It’s like a domino effect.  I am unable to do one without the other.  I have found without time with Christ, my whole life ravels apart and I am left feeling lost and helpless.  Not only have I not walked for 5 days, but I also gained 4 pounds.  You reap what you sow; good or bad.

Yesterday during church I was able to witness the baptism of my new brothers and sisters in Christ and as I listened to their testimony I thought, “I still have so much to learn about you, Father.  I still have such a long way to go. “I recommitted myself in the spiritual area of my life asking God to give me the strength to endure.  Funny how fast God answers your prayers isn’t it?

I pulled out my Bible study this morning and guess what it was about?   Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”  WOW!  After my “Jesus time” I went for my walk.  It was so difficult because it had been almost a week.  I turned on my praise tunes and began my 2 mile walk.  I walked around the block and thought that was enough to warm me up until I heard the words, “persevere, you can endure it”. I continued to walk and hit my two mile mark.  I was hot, tired and my feet hurt, but I felt good and so ready to go home.  I looked up at Uniontown Road glad to be able to avoid it again as home was to the left.  Then I heard those words again, “persevere, you can endure it”.  That is how my conversation with God started today and it went something like this.

“Persevere, you can endure it.”

“I know and I did it God!  I did it!  Thank you for your help.”

“Will you just walk a little bit more with me?”

“Can we just talk on the way home? “

“Will you trust me?  You can endure it.”

“I am so tired, Lord.”

“Then let my strength be yours. Walk a little ways more.”

I looked up the hill feeling the pain before it began.  The music played and I instantly listened to the words, “Savior I come quiet my soul remember.  Redemption's hill, where Your blood was spilled for my ransom.  Everything I once held dear I count it all as lost.  Lead me to the cross where Your love poured out.  Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down.  Rid me of myself I belong to You. Lead me to the cross.”

“Okay. I trust you Lord.” So we walked and through it His strength took over and I found that I had more energy than I imagined I would. 

“This is how your life should be.  It’s not just about the walk, but the whole journey.  One step at a time and rely on me.  Persevere; you can endure it with me by your side.”

I have been proclaiming the changes God is making in me, inside as well as out.  When I begin to fall backwards and conform to my former self, I defile my witness.  It was through this little walk that God reminded me that my journey isn’t just about changing the health of my body, but of my mind and spirit. I can only achieve this by stripping off every weight that slows me down, and to run with endurance the race God has set before me by keeping my eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects my faith.

I guess this is the same for all of us.  No matter what trials you may encounter in your life, physically, emotionally or spiritually, look to Him. He will give you the strength to endure it!