Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year

It's been a while since I posted last.  The holiday season was very trying.  All in all I gained 3 pounds.  I was hoping to maintain, but alas, that did not happen.  I must say I felt very defeated until Sunday December 29th.  I normally take my son, Timothy to his Sunday School Class via elevator in our church.  The little stinker pushed both the up and down buttons and I guess he confused the poor system because the elevator never came.  Not to worry, there is always the stairs.  Tim takes a bit to walk the steps which is why we usually take the elevator.  So down the stairs we went and then I had my Sunday School class to get to so up the stairs I went once more and then down the stairs to take my students to their class room after praise and worship in the sanctuary and then up steps one last time to go home. While traveling home later that day I remembered that last year at that time I couldn't even walk the stairs myself.  I would huff and puff and my legs hardly supported my weight on the way up or down the steps so I HAD to take the elevator; it was not a choice for me. The thing is that now I can choose and I love to take the steps.  No huffing and puffing or tightness in my chest, no fear of falling down them because my joints buckle under me.  I gained 3 pounds, but they will come off again.  I have also gained so much more than I ever thought possible in 2013. I lost 79 pounds! My youngest son can touch his hands around my waste, my husband can hug me without having to hunch over my belly.  I can walk more than 5 minutes.  As a matter of fact I was crying for joy a few moments ago.  I recently found an unopened DVD in my cabinet.  Each year I made my "resolution" to lose weight and get fit, and so I would buy an exercise DVD to work on.  I tried them and then donated them. This one was never opened. Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home:  Walk Slim Fast and Firm 4 Really Big Miles.  I have tried her 3 mile DVD and could never get through the first 10 minutes and never past 1 mile.  Today I did the whole thing...56 minutes!  I felt wonderful and I can say I never ever imagined that I would be able to stay with the pace or complete the workout if it were not for the changes that have happened in my life.  Food is always...but not my focus anymore.  I think where I messed up during the holidays was I didn't keep up exercising because I felt too busy with Christmas plans...which I really was that busy!  But I also didn't pay complete attention to everything I was eating.  I wasn't gorging as in past holidays, but I definitely let the ball drop somewhere.  I am glad that each and every day is a new and that we have great opportunities to make changes.  So here I am on Friday, January 3rd. I am experimenting with Reader's Digest 21 Day Tummy to see how I like it. So far so good, but I must say I prefer Digest Diet.  I have had my shake, my snack and I walked 4 miles with Leslie Sansone!  I don't intend on throwing in the towel.  Just to keep on keeping on as I embrace this new life of mine!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hello Again!

It's been a while hasn't it? Life has been very full and chaotic, but I can proudly say I am still on a losing streak!  My goal for the rest of the year is to maintain. Realistically, I know the holidays will be filled with temptations, so instead of putting additional pressure on myself, I set a goal I knew I could live with.  If I lose, well then...that will be one awesome Christmas gift! Another reason for me to sing the Hallelujah chorus, right? 

Many family members and friends have asked me just how I will deal with all the Christmas parties, sweet and treats.  I cannot lie...with the holidays quickly approaching, I feel a little unsettled.  After all, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years gatherings were a time when I gave myself permission to cheat from my never ending diet (which I never practiced faithfully).  Cakes, pies and candy, OH MY!  A little here was fine, a little there, sure why not?  After the season passed I would find that the scale showed at least a 7 pound increase and my clothes felt tighter and as a result I canned the diet because I was too discouraged to continue. "Why should I try?"  I would think and embrace defeat. 

In prior years I didn't have a survival plan.  This year I do and most of it comes from the Digest Diet book and cook book.  I plan to make something I can enjoy and bring them to the parties.  I love Dove's dark chocolate with almonds and I can have three.  Guess what my dessert was on Thanksgiving Day?  I brought a bag with me, made DDs Old School Spinach Salad and some healthy sweet potatoes.

Now you may be saying, "I know I am going to blow it so why shouldn't I enjoy myself?" Well first of all you don't have to "blow it".  You can overcome with a lot of prayer and a stable rescue plan.  If you are able, leave the house after dinner and go for a short walk or just to take a breath of fresh air to avoid seconds.  Include your family and friends in your healthy life style decision. They may surprise you and make side dishes you can enjoy or healthy dessert options.  I am blessed to have an awesome support system and they are ALWAYS cheering me on or giving me that much needed hug when I struggle with the same 2-3 pounds.  Thank know who you are!

I was a professional dieter. I never succeeded for long and I could never seem to find a way to change my unhealthy habits and thinking...until now.  I don't refer to my new way of eating as a diet because the word "diet" suggests something negative...a punishment for those of us on the "heavy" side.  There is nothing negative about the foods I enjoy.  I don't feel deprived of foods not on my "list".  I am not on a diet, I have made a life style change, and instead of feeling deprived I feel enthusiastic and want to share my new recipes and food with everyone!

I hope and pray that you will not see this holiday season as a struggle or a challenge, but as an opportunity to find out just how strong you are! I know that's my plan this year.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Little Back Slidden, But Not Finished!

Four pounds in two weeks can cause a professional dieter like me to panic and look for alternative methods.  It makes one like me rethink her choices in her diet plan.  But then I have to look at what I have been eating and what I have been dealing with.  Obviously, lots of stress as you were able to see in my previous post.  Man's best friend my eye!  No, just kidding. He is a very good dog and we are getting along a little better.  So he is not the MAIN cause of it.  I also haven't been able to walk as much due to spurs on my feet.  I push through, but it has been so much easier to not walk those three miles per day.  I have forgotten God's words to me not so long ago, "Persevere".

As I sat down and had my pity party, invites: just one, I looked back over the past eight months and said, "70 pounds".  My oldest son weighs 76 pounds. I almost lost a whole Timmy! So does the program work? Yes!  Yes, it does and for me to doubt how God introduced this amazing book into my life is simple minded. The proof is in how my size has decreased, how my clothes fit, and the dozens of comments from family and friends of "Wow!  How? What are you doing?"

My advice for each of you is not to quit.  Even when the enemy is whispering in your ear, "you will never change. It's all for nothing."  Stand firm and grasp onto the truth and remember that God only wants the best for you.  He doesn't want you to feel less than you are worth in His eyes.  He doesn't want you to feel isolated, or weak or sore.  He doesn't want you to feel unhappy about yourself, because you ARE, "wonderfully made".  Our bodies are made to work in a specific way.  If we over indulge, if we do not exercise, if we do not maintain it, no it cannot work the way it was meant to. So for the past two weeks, I had a little more of this and a little more of that. I didn't exercise and I gave into stress and my clothes started to feel just a little tighter.  I could have went downstairs to the frig and gone "hog crazy" with grief.  But what would that have solved?  So a few days ago, I prayed and got myself back into those healthy habits and three pounds are gone. The program works. We may not be on the right path all the time, but the program works.  If you back slide, STOP!  Don't go back to the those old ways.  There is a back door to backsliding and that is to just start again. Never lose hope; never lose faith.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Stress Add Up

Well it's been a STRESSFUL week so far and as a result I gained 2.5 pounds. Stress is NOT a fat releaser and can actually cause weight gain, so some of you know about my week and for those who don't, you may either be sympathetic or chuckle at my expense. Our family adopted a 10 month old puppy from the pound fondly known as Bruno. Bruno is part Basset Hound, Beagle and Lab. I didn't consider the words our vet, Dr. Flick, spoke as we departed our first visit for Bruno last week. "Bassets can have allergy issues so we will have to watch him closely." Those words were tested and have been found to be 150% true. We don't know if it was his food, the cleaner I used when I shampooed the carpets, the Glade or Febreeze deodorizer or the laundry detergent we used on Saturday when we had to wash his crate pad, but Bruno broke out in hives. We administered Benadryl, bathed him and he continued to break out. He looked like a lumpy, bumpy mess. The poor dog rubbed his entire body on whatever he could, the floor, the chairs, my lap. We (and when I say we, I really mean ME) endured his whining from his crate all Saturday night into the wee hours of Sunday morning. 5:30 AM I headed for the ER Vet in Westminster on 140. The ride there was interesting. Bruno rubbed his body on the floor, against the seat and then he decided he needed to rub his body against my legs, under my legs is more like it while putting his two front paws on the accelerator. Now that would have brought, "my dog ate my homework" excuse to a whole new level. "Officer, I swear I wasn't speeding. It was my dog Bruno." Now that either would have gotten me arrested or a 24 hour psych evaluation. I am sure that no matter what I would have at least gotten a small nap.

We left the vet when Bruno's condition was finally under control 3 hours later. On our way home, well that was fun. Did I forget to mention that Bruno gets car sick? I had lined the entire floor and seats with trash bags. On the way there, he was too distracted with the itching and driving (the little speed demon) to notice he was in the van, but on the way home...despite the fact that I had a trash bag by his mouth, he felt he needed to thank me for my loving hand by vomiting in it. It was a bitter sweet experience. Bitter...well that's obvious people! But sweet because his symptoms were finally under control and Bruno placed his head in my lap as if to say, "I really am worth it. I promise you, I will be the bestest companion ever." No more breakouts since Sunday evening. I stayed up with him until midnight just to make sure. Now I have to ensure that he takes his meds everyday and hope that we alleviated the source.

Just want to give a shout out to my friend Suzanne for all the pet advice and Dawn liquid detergent. Who knew it was a great shampoo for dogs? Attempting to go to sleep now. Hoping for a better 2nd part of the week. Will start tomorrow with a 3 mile walk, and who knows...maybe Bruno will walk along with me.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Don't Make Excuses because YOU CAN!

3.25 miles in 1 hr and 4 min. I'm getting there. I hope to conquer 5 miles in an hour soon. I am 1lb 4oz away from my 70lb mark (100 pounds since 2010, 70 lbs since Feb this year when I began my journey with DD). So many people have been asking me what I have been doing to lose weight. I have been asked about Gastric Bypass surgery. Though it was suggested by my cardiologist 3 years ago, I declined. I just was not comfortable with that choice. I know it has helped some people, but I just felt it wasn't right for me. Then I was asked about the Idea Weight Loss program. No, though I looked into it, but decided it still wasn't for me.  If you are reading this post, obviously you know the answer for me is The Digest Diet. As the book suggests, the problem is not just about losing weight, but changing our thinking and lifestyles and our view of food. 
I heard the old saying many times through my dieting history, "I eat to live, I don't live to eat" but it never really had meaning to me because food my was friend, my comfort in times of trouble, a way to celebrate, a horrible addiction. I WAS living to eat and in doing so I wasn't truly living. It is a terrible cycle, one that you cannot understand unless you have walked on this path. You feel trapped by your body and helpless to change. Through God and the Digest Diet book, I feel confident, less tied to my addiction (one remains - dark chocolate w/almonds in moderation of course) of food. I turn to God in times of trouble and leave the food alone, I walk when I feel stressed and read when I am bored (which is hardly ever...if you knew how crazy my life was you would be able to understand it when I say, "I don't have time to be bored"). If I can do it, and I can tell you I haven't seen this weight in almost 2 decades, you can! Don't give up or give in to insecurities, or the old excuse, "I'll start on Monday or the New Year or Next month". Don't say, "I'm just too old to change".  Contrary to what you believe, you can teach an old dog (not that I am calling any of you old) new tricks.  Don't give up because YOU CAN! 
P.S.  I posted this on my Facebook page earlier this week. Today I hit my 70 pound mark!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Persevere; You Can Endure It!

The past few days have been full of trials and lots of errors on my part.  I got comfortable and I lost track of what I was eating.  I made excuses for not walking in the morning:  “I didn’t sleep well. I’m exhausted. I’ll walk later. Well now it’s too hot to walk”, etc. etc.  Most importantly, over walking, I made excuses for not spending quality time with the one who has blessed me over and over again.  It’s like a domino effect.  I am unable to do one without the other.  I have found without time with Christ, my whole life ravels apart and I am left feeling lost and helpless.  Not only have I not walked for 5 days, but I also gained 4 pounds.  You reap what you sow; good or bad.

Yesterday during church I was able to witness the baptism of my new brothers and sisters in Christ and as I listened to their testimony I thought, “I still have so much to learn about you, Father.  I still have such a long way to go. “I recommitted myself in the spiritual area of my life asking God to give me the strength to endure.  Funny how fast God answers your prayers isn’t it?

I pulled out my Bible study this morning and guess what it was about?   Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”  WOW!  After my “Jesus time” I went for my walk.  It was so difficult because it had been almost a week.  I turned on my praise tunes and began my 2 mile walk.  I walked around the block and thought that was enough to warm me up until I heard the words, “persevere, you can endure it”. I continued to walk and hit my two mile mark.  I was hot, tired and my feet hurt, but I felt good and so ready to go home.  I looked up at Uniontown Road glad to be able to avoid it again as home was to the left.  Then I heard those words again, “persevere, you can endure it”.  That is how my conversation with God started today and it went something like this.

“Persevere, you can endure it.”

“I know and I did it God!  I did it!  Thank you for your help.”

“Will you just walk a little bit more with me?”

“Can we just talk on the way home? “

“Will you trust me?  You can endure it.”

“I am so tired, Lord.”

“Then let my strength be yours. Walk a little ways more.”

I looked up the hill feeling the pain before it began.  The music played and I instantly listened to the words, “Savior I come quiet my soul remember.  Redemption's hill, where Your blood was spilled for my ransom.  Everything I once held dear I count it all as lost.  Lead me to the cross where Your love poured out.  Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down.  Rid me of myself I belong to You. Lead me to the cross.”

“Okay. I trust you Lord.” So we walked and through it His strength took over and I found that I had more energy than I imagined I would. 

“This is how your life should be.  It’s not just about the walk, but the whole journey.  One step at a time and rely on me.  Persevere; you can endure it with me by your side.”

I have been proclaiming the changes God is making in me, inside as well as out.  When I begin to fall backwards and conform to my former self, I defile my witness.  It was through this little walk that God reminded me that my journey isn’t just about changing the health of my body, but of my mind and spirit. I can only achieve this by stripping off every weight that slows me down, and to run with endurance the race God has set before me by keeping my eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects my faith.

I guess this is the same for all of us.  No matter what trials you may encounter in your life, physically, emotionally or spiritually, look to Him. He will give you the strength to endure it!