Four pounds in two weeks can cause a professional dieter like me to panic and look for alternative methods. It makes one like me rethink her choices in her diet plan. But then I have to look at what I have been eating and what I have been dealing with. Obviously, lots of stress as you were able to see in my previous post. Man's best friend my eye! No, just kidding. He is a very good dog and we are getting along a little better. So he is not the MAIN cause of it. I also haven't been able to walk as much due to spurs on my feet. I push through, but it has been so much easier to not walk those three miles per day. I have forgotten God's words to me not so long ago, "Persevere".
As I sat down and had my pity party, invites: just one, I looked back over the past eight months and said, "70 pounds". My oldest son weighs 76 pounds. I almost lost a whole Timmy! So does the program work? Yes! Yes, it does and for me to doubt how God introduced this amazing book into my life is simple minded. The proof is in how my size has decreased, how my clothes fit, and the dozens of comments from family and friends of "Wow! How? What are you doing?"
My advice for each of you is not to quit. Even when the enemy is whispering in your ear, "you will never change. It's all for nothing." Stand firm and grasp onto the truth and remember that God only wants the best for you. He doesn't want you to feel less than you are worth in His eyes. He doesn't want you to feel isolated, or weak or sore. He doesn't want you to feel unhappy about yourself, because you ARE, "wonderfully made". Our bodies are made to work in a specific way. If we over indulge, if we do not exercise, if we do not maintain it, no it cannot work the way it was meant to. So for the past two weeks, I had a little more of this and a little more of that. I didn't exercise and I gave into stress and my clothes started to feel just a little tighter. I could have went downstairs to the frig and gone "hog crazy" with grief. But what would that have solved? So a few days ago, I prayed and got myself back into those healthy habits and three pounds are gone. The program works. We may not be on the right path all the time, but the program works. If you back slide, STOP! Don't go back to the those old ways. There is a back door to backsliding and that is to just start again. Never lose hope; never lose faith.
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