Sunday, June 30, 2013

Eating out doesn't have to be difficult

Last night I went to my 25th High School Reunion.  Shout out to Owings Mills High School...Go Eagles Go!  We were meeting friends for dinner before hand at the restaurant/bar where the event was taking place.  I used to be so nervous before Digest Diet...going out to restaurants.  The salt, the calories, the salad dressing, the headache!  I was always afraid I would send some waitress running to the kitchen crying because I had to have my dish my way. Have you ever watched When Harry Met Sally?  Well I am now Sally.  Either the waitress is thrilled with me or prays I never return. The Digest Diet program has really assisted me.  Now I haven't bought the dining out book yet...any comments on it if you have purchased it?  I just read the first book over and over and try to stick with the program even when I am in public.  It worked!
So proud of myself.  On the restaurant menu I saw Spinach Salad - Yay for me!  (FYI - DD has a wonderful Spinach Salad recipe in their cookbook page 197 (Old School Spinach Salad) that I highly recommend). The restaurant served the salad with a bacon dressing and croutons - I don't think so.  So I kindly asked the waitress to take out the croutons and the dressing which I replaced with oil and vinegar. It was delicious!  Now since I am looking back...not exactly 25 years; more like four years.  I am finally beginning to see the difference.

                                                              Movies with Hubby 2009

                                                       My Son's Middle School Graduation 2013

In the beginning I couldn't see the differences.  The scale was moving, but in the mirror I saw the same girl.  If it wasn't for the love and support of that handsome man in the top picture I probably would have given up.  He has loved me in good times and bad times and truly in the thin and the thick.  In order to succeed in anything, you must have good support systems.  My first is my faith in Jesus Christ, the second is the love and encouragement of my wonderful husband and family, and then the wisdom of the Digest Diet.  I am sure that Liz Vaccariello, the author of the book and Editor-in-Chief of Reader's Digest would agree that support systems are important (after all she found scientifically speaking that laughter is a fat releaser).  With support systems in place, you feel secure and happier which I believe helps you along your journey, no matter how difficult it can be.

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