Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I am asked often, "when do you exercise?"  Being a mom of three beautiful children keeps me on my toes.  My middle child Timothy, who has Down Syndrome and goes to school in Baltimore, needs to be up early for his bus that arrives around 6:40 in the morning.  So I wake up at 5 A.M. for devotions,  go to the kitchen where my wonderful 19 year old daughter helps me get Tim prepared for the day (love her...she is such a helpful young lady), breakfast is made (I often have a shake or the Creamy Quinoa-page 159 of the Digest Diet book - both are very quick for moms on the run), and then after his breakfast is complete we are pushing him out the door. There is basically not a real summer here since Timmy is in an eleven month program for school, so it is always go, go and go around here.  Once Tim is on the bus, I take my ever eager dog Gracie for a 1.50 mile walk, sometimes 3 depending on the heat and humidity.  My youngest son, Kameron, always wants to go with me, but this is my quiet time.  I listen to my music, I talk with God and sometimes I talk to myself. In the beginning of the program I found that I really wasn't motivated to exercise as much.  Now I find it essential, not just for losing the weight, but for energy to get through the day.  Without that first walk I find that I feel kinda "blah" for the rest of the day.  In the evening I work out about 15 min. and most of my exercise is done in bed.  Now before you leave comments congratulating my husband, I will let you know he's mostly asleep at this time.  He works evenings.  I concentrate on leg lifts, sit-ups and crunches.  At this point in my life, being on the floor is difficult.  I mean I can get there, but getting back up...well that's a whole different adventure. 

So why am I posting this?  If I can exercise and fit it into my schedule, so can you! You don't have to join a gym if you don't want to or run marathons. You just have to get moving.  And moving works...I am now down 54 pounds!

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