Friday, July 12, 2013

My Stretchy Pants

For years I have worn the same pair of black stretchy pants.  I hate, hate, hate shopping for clothes.  One because to be honest it was hard to find clothes in my size.  A few short months ago I was in a 5X. Really, truly, a 5X.  The only clothes that existed for me were big flowered shirts.  You know the ones I am describing. Those big bold colors that show off every detail of your not so curvy curves.  It was like wearing bright colored billboard signs.  And then the pants.  Don't get me started on those pants!  If they weren't stretchy, they weren't fitting me, hence my stretchy pants and always in black because hello, black is slimming.  Well I still own those pants and I wear them to bed or walk with them (I have to pull them under and over the strap of my fanny pack).  The other day I finally came to the conclusion that my "stretchy" pants must go. I was going on my daily walk and thought that my shoe laces were untied.  No that was my pants under my shoes and my fanny pack lost its ability to keep them in place.  Probably not a good thing to lose my pants in the middle of a walk.  So in homage of my lovely stretchy pants I present you with the following pictures.  If you want to, please sing "Memories" as you view them.

                                                         Goodbye Dear Stretchy Pants

                       They used to fit me so well that they would leave elastic marks on my waste

                      I can now wear them over my chest!  New outfit for late night shopping?

                 Now my "skinny" jeans have become my baggy jeans.  Almost shopping time!

I thought I was going to be buried in those pants and now I am going to bury them.  The only problem I have now is that the only pants I have to wear are jeans!  I am not ready to go shopping yet because it still depresses me.  So I am going to enjoy my baggy jeans until they join the ranks of my stretchy pants and then look out, a shopping I will go!


  1. So incredibly proud of you!!! When you reach your goal weight are you going to burn or bury those pants? I want to be there with you!

  2. So proud of you and you look BEAUTIFUL!! It feels amazing when you see all the hard work pay off, and the pounds melt away! Keep up the great job and Love you!!

  3. Also, thanks for the birthday shout out :)

  4. Stacey, thanks so much! Love you too. Lisa, they are going to be washed because I want them clean before I "bury" them. Chalk that up to the type A in me!
