Saturday, July 13, 2013

Groceries and other stuff

As I was walking this morning I was thinking about how much money we spend on groceries now.  Before I would spend $600.00 a month for a family of 5, but now it's really close to $800.00 and it makes me wonder, "Why does it cost so much to eat healthy?"  Every health conscious official in our government states they want to see America healthy and obesity rates drop. So why can't prices be lowered on healthier foods.  Before I began this diet, my pantry and frig would be stocked full of easy to cook processed foods.  Now it's not because I want my family to have healthier options and we PAY for it.  We are trying to supplement costs by using our garden which hasn't given us much, but some fresh produce.  And then there are healthier meats, lower in fats.  All of them cost MORE and I wonder why?  I am sure there must be some genius answer out there full of financial facts, I just wish eating healthy was easier financially.  I am not saying I am giving up in any way shape or form, because I like the way things are going.  I love how I feel and to my family and me, if spending more  will keep me around a little longer, then we budget to spend more. Besides what is the old saying, "If mama ain't happy nobody's is happy?"  And mommy is very happy right now, feeling awesome, so that means peace reigns in the Hancock Household.

Anyway, this evening I tried a new DD recipe. All I can say is YUM! It's on page 205 of the DD Cookbook and it is called Grilled Pork & Pear Salad with Walnuts.  Mine didn't look as nice as the picture in the book, but it must taste the same because I was in HEAVEN!  Pears, walnuts, baby spinach and baby arugula.  The dressing was to die for and I encourage you all to try it if you get a chance.

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