Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Holiday

Boy oh Boy, July 4th weekend, filled with food, fun, sun, family and friends.  Did I mention the food???  Now I don't know about you on a diet, but before DD I cringed over the thought of going to a party for fear I would over indulge, or I would have the mentality that, "hey, it's a party! Go ahead and over indulge!"  This time I didn't want to set myself up to fail, so for the first party (yes, the 1st party) I made the Digest Diet's Mexican Cobb Salad.  (I have to admit, I did cheat.  I had a hotdog and I paid dearly for that choice.  My stomach wasn't used to food like that so I was up with stomach cramps.)  The second party I learned my lesson (it was my sister-in-law's 11th anniversary of her 29th birthday - Happy Birthday Stacey!).  I made the Old School Spinach Salad and I pretty much chose  that along with fruit and other vegetable based salads that I could enjoy.  Over that weekend I lost 6 ounces!  It may have been more if I had the opportunity to walk, which I did not. It was a very busy weekend and I also blame that hotdog (a loss is a loss and I am proud of it).  If I had not been up with cramps I would have had the strength to walk (never again will I give in to temptation).

Here I am on the 10th of July and I am 56 pounds down!  Started walking again this more parties - though I don't fear them anymore.  I know what to do.  I take what I can eat and I can still enjoy some of the healthier options at the table.  I mean who doesn't bring a veggie tray to a party? When I was a "professional dieter" I would bring the fruit or veggies just to feel better about all the junk I knew I was going to consume. For some reason I thought the good food would balance out the "bad" food.  Don't you believe it.  I find I don't even crave that food anymore thanks to DD's program.  My body has all it needs in nutrients and the food is great!  I mean great!  I hope this encourages you!  DD is not just a diet for me but a new way of living. If you have tried it I would love to hear from you and find out how it's going.  Your story could encourage others too!

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